Bloch-Elkouby Lab for Suicide Prevention and Psychotherapy Research


The Galynker Suicide Prevention Research lab at Mount Sinai, New York

Dr. Bloch-Elkouby has a long-lasting collaboration with the Galynker Suicide Prevention Research Lab at Mount Sinai, which started in 2018, when she completed a post-doctoral fellowship under Igor Galynker’s (MD, PhD) mentorship. She currently serves as a co-investigator on several high-scale grant-funded projects aimed at furthering our understanding of and ability to treat the Suicide Crisis Syndrome and the Narrative Crisis Model developed by Dr. Galynker.

The Brief Psychotherapy Research Program at the Mount Sinai Behavioral Health Center

Dr. Bloch-Elkouby has a long-lasting collaboration with the Brief Psychotherapy Research Program, that she joined as a graduate student under J. Christopher Muran’s (PhD) mentorship, and where she currently serves as a clinical supervisor and a co-investigator on several projects about the therapeutic alliance, cultural processes, and clinical supervision. She also serves as a consultant at the Center for Alliance-Focused Training.