Bloch-Elkouby Lab for Suicide Prevention and Psychotherapy Research

Alexis is a third-year student in the Adult Clinical Psychology Psy.D. Program. She received her B.S. in Human Development with a minor in English from Cornell University. Alexis’s research interests include suicide prevention, self-compassion, and the therapeutic alliance in high-risk patients. She has conducted research on the role of self-compassion as a mechanism of change in suicide prevention interventions, and her current research will explore the qualitative experiences of individuals who view themselves as recovered from suicidality. Alexis has received clinical training at Mount Sinai’s Eating and Weight Disorders program (providing CBT-E and FBT to individuals and families) and is currently externing at NYP’s Self-Injurious Behaviors and Personality Disorders Unit (providing individual and group DBT). She also serves as a clinic-coordinator for the CBT Program at the Parnes Clinic. In her free time, Alexis enjoys baking and reading.

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